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About Online Tutoring

Homework Club has been helping thousands of students learn and do their homework with the help of our highly educated tutors over ten years. Homework Club has dedicated countless hours to educate our young adults and help alleviate learning obstacles. We have one purpose that drives us, to help all students learn and achieve and concur learning barriers. We believe that everyone is capable of learning with the right tools and approaches. We understand that not everyone is privileged enough to have a private tutor for every assignment. Some may be very limited with time, or even space. Whatever the reason may be, we want to make sure we are able to help all learners regardless of financial situations, time, or space. Therefore the online tutoring was established. Homework Club has made videos for every homework assignment for the Common Core Math books. Each day we see how our students struggle with the curriculums thought in school and we simple want to help. Our videos assist our learners learn by completing each assignment with guided teaching, finding solutions to each problem, and simply have a better understanding of each lesson in a chapter. Learners can watch the videos as many times as necessary to have a better understanding of each chapter and lesson. It is simple, sign-up, watch the videos, do your homework with guided help on each problem, re-watch if needed, feel confident about your new chapter and lesson.

Mission Statement

Homework Club's mission is to create and support lifetime learners with a strong foundation in their core school subjects. H.C. strives to build strong students by supporting and mentoring them with daily skills and the confidence and motivation to pursue goals and dreams with enthusiasm. H.C. put forth unconditional effort to instill good work habits, organizational skills, time management abilities, and a sense of accomplishment in every student. Here we have established an atmosphere for comfortable learning while targeting problem areas and helping our students overcome individual obstacles.

These are My Homework Club photos @ my-homeworkclub.com.
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